

  • For Data Standardization and Migration projects, we, at DIN Engineering Services, formulate a comprehensive conceptual plan for the entire process ahead of project initiation.

Through in-depth project discussions and kickoff workshops, we create a comprehensive project documentation to ensure a clear and enhanced project understanding. After reviewing sample data, we develop Data Standards specifications, considering both existing and desired standards. We meticulously document the rules for Data Standardization and Migration, including attributions and quality control requirements. This serves as the foundation for building migration tools that streamline the process while maintaining high quality.

To ensure precision, we begin by migrating a sample dataset, subjecting it to rigorous quality control. If necessary, we refine the migration tool. Finally, we perform a full-scale data migration followed by quality assurance. This type of data migration has been successfully executed, moving data from CAD and FRAMME to ESRI Geodatabase.

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